In this game, the player controls two characters simultaneously to navigate through the Trials. Two players may each control one of the twins for cooperative gameplay. While traveling through these environments, the player must take care not to allow the “soul tether” to break, as this will result in the death of both twins. The player wins the game by overcoming all of the puzzles and making it out of the Trials.
by Roku Collective
This was a semester-long project in which I worked in a team with 3 other classmates to develop backend code and databases for a website for the non-profit organization Quad Sports. My team worked alongside another team that handled front-end graphics and visuals. My tasks primarily involved JavaScript coding, incorporating Wix APIs to handle the logic for payment procedures &form input for donor and child registrations.
This was a month-long project in which I worked in a team with 4 other classmates to create a website for an imaginary medical clinic - complete with functioning patient, doctor, and office staff login portals. My tasks for this project mostly included writing the SQL &ASP.NET code for different parts of the system, as well as assisting with debugging CSS and HTML. My tasks also included determining the logistics for hosting the backend database and the front-end website.
This was a semester-long project in which the class worked independently to create a sample accounting system in three different languages - ASP, VB.NET, and C#.NET.